Today I am going to write about ada pradaman it’s a special one for onam . You can buy this ada from super markets.
Ingredients needed for ada pradaman
v Ada 200gm
v Milk 2 ½ ltr
v Sugar 400gm
v Cardamom 10nos
v Ghee 3tsp
v Cashew nuts 25gm
v Kismiss 25gm
v Condensed milk 4tsp (optional)
You can reduce the amount of sugar according to your taste
Wash the ada in cold water and drain .Pour ½ litre boiled water on ada and close the vessel for 15minutes. Boil the milk adding ½litre of water and add the soaked ada. Cook in gentle fire stirring all the time till the ada becomes very soft and color of the milk changes to pink and the amount of milk reduce to 2 litres. Add sugar and condensed milk and continuous stirring for 3 minutes,
To this add the dry fruits roasted in the ghee, then cardamom powder.
Serve palada hot or cold. It tastes delicious.